Tuesday, October 13, 2015

10/13 Angles and Stuff

I wanted to play Angry Birds with you because it's an amazing way of conceptualizing projectile motion, but it's blocked on the school network. Whatever - sic transit gloria mundi amirite?

Today we discussed the factors that contribute to a projectile's motion. We identified:
- Air Resistance - will slow objects down
- Initial Velocity - will change how far an object goes but not how long it takes to fall
- Gravity - will change how quickly the object accelerates (for example, acceleration due to gravity on the moon is - 2.16 m/s^2 as opposed to -9.81 m/s^2 on earth)
- Angle - What angle the object is thrown:


When we focused on angle, we wanted to know how high, far, and how long it would take for an object to travel if we changed the angle. This is what we will investigate tomorrow!

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