Friday, December 4, 2015

Homework (Due 12/7)

Answer the following questions on a separate piece of paper:

1.      If the centripetal acceleration of an object is 30 m/s2 and the mass of the object is 2 kg, what is the magnitude and direction of the centripetal force? Draw a diagram that shows an object with centripetal acceleration and draw the direction of that force.

2.      Why is centripetal acceleration called acceleration, even when the object is going at a constant speed?

  Copy the diagram above.
a.       Which direction is the velocity of the satellite at this moment? What direction is the centripetal force? Label these v1 and F1.
b.      After the satellite has orbited halfway around the earth, what direction is its velocity? Its centripetal force? Label these v2 and F2.

Link to the textbook readings:
Textbook Reading

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